Castaway bodies

Project Team

Principal Investigator

Jakub Lipski – dr hab., professor and head of the Department of Anglophone Literatures at the Faculty of Literary Studies, Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz. He is the author of In Quest of the Self: Masquerade and Travel in the Eighteenth-Century Novel. Fielding, Smollett, Sterne (Rodopi, 2014), Painting the Novel: Pictorial Discourse in Eighteenth-Century English Fiction (Routledge, 2018), Re-Reading the Eighteenth-Century Novel: Studies in Reception (Routledge, 2021) as well as a number of articles and book chapters on eighteenth-century English literature. He has recently edited a collection of essays, Rewriting Crusoe: The Robinsonade Across Languages, Cultures, and Media (Bucknell UP, 2020), and the first complete edition of Robinson Crusoe in Polish (for the National Library Series, forthcoming in 2023). He is the Principal Investigator of two externally funded projects: "Interartistic contexts for the evelopment of the early English novel" (NCN Opus, 2021-24) and "The poetics of the body in the English Robinsonade" (NCN Sonata, 2021-2023).  


Patrick Gill is a lecturer (Akademischer Oberrat) in the English Literature and Culture section of Mainz University’s Department of English and Linguistics. He has published and lectured on English poetry from the Renaissance to the present day, as well as the contemporary novel, contemporary drama, and British and American TV culture. His research as well as his teaching tend to focus on the communicative efficacy of modes, genres and forms of artistic expression. He is the editor of An Introduction to Poetic Forms (Routledge, 2022), co-editor of Constructing Coherence in the British Short Story Cycle (Routledge, 2018) and Translating Renaissance Experience (Éditions québécoises, 2021) and author of several essays on the formal and generic aspects of the Robinsonade.